Open Letter To The Remnant Of The Worldwide Church Of God, Wherever You May Be.
Began writing on March 5, 2023
Ex member of the Worldwide Church of God.
Open Letter To The Remnant Of The Worldwide Church Of God, Wherever You May Be.
Ezekiel 2:7 (paraphrased): “Thus says the Lord God, You shall speak My words to them, whether they hear or whether they refuse, for they are rebellious”.
Greetings Brethren,
My name is Glen, and like most of you who were either members or attendees of the Worldwide Church of God, I am a member of a different group now, and that is, “the latter day remnant”, (no matter which affiliation you happen to be in). Yes, no matter where you are in this world, physically and spiritually, you are part of that remnant. (And for any spiritual eavesdroppers who may be reading this letter, go ahead. Ever since God has brought His people out of Egypt there have been those who observe this peculiar people from a distance). I will have to say a little bit about myself as I get this letter going, but I will make it just a “little bit”. Like many of you, I believe I was called by God, into God’s true church, the caretakers of the truth. And for me, that was initiated in 1982. I began attending in 1983 and I was baptized in 1984. Herbert W. Armstrong was the Pastor General, so I got to hear him speak, (here and there), for only two or three years because he passed away in 1986. Nevertheless, it was long enough to become well indoctrinated in the teachings of the church. After he passed away, (like many of you), a spiritual journey began, that very few anticipated, of unsureness, instability, and apostasy, as the WCG began to fracture, split, and divide. Like many of you, I got caught up in all of that confusion, and like a lost sheep, I stumbled around in the wake of it all, until I came to where I am now 40 years later. And for the record, (and especially for you eavesdroppers), I am still holding fast keeping God’s statutes, ordinances, precepts, commands, judgements, laws and ways, as best as I can. I think that will qualify as just “a little bit” about me, and I will now continue on with this letter.
The specific purpose of this article is to show that the apostasy of the Worldwide Church of God, which occurred in the last decade of the 20th century, was preordained by God some 2500 years ago, and that the division of the church in the wake of it, which has resulted in a denominational regrouping of those members that chose to hold fast to the teachings of the church prior to the apostasy, and are currently divided, are going to come back together under “one roof”, or, spiritual “house” prior to the second coming of Christ, and that it is a primary work that Christ will accomplish prior to the gospel, which is currently being preached, but not actually yet reaching the whole world as a witness. The church must come back together first, and the scriptures revealing this are now unsealed because the time for their unsealing has arrived. And secondly, this article will show that in order for Christ to accomplish this, any ministers standing in the way of God’s will and preordained prediction of this, if unwilling to take warning, and stop opposing Him, and get out of His way, will of necessity be removed. This also is revealed in scriptures which have been sealed for some 2500 years, which are now unsealed for those with eyes to see and ears to hear. These two main revelations of the article are so unbelievable to most readers, it is necessary to go off on many tangents throughout the writing to show how hardhearted the church body has become over the years. And by the end of the article, it is the hope of the writer that people will take heed, and prepare to see the intervention of God as He intervenes to bring this and many other things to pass, even if it seems that there is a forgone conclusion spoken of by God in Ezekiel (2:7 and 3:7), that many (perhaps most), will not listen, or even make an effort to read the whole essay.
Thus it is written in Ezekiel 3:10-11
“Then He added, son of man, let all My words sink deep into your own heart first. Listen to them carefully for yourself. Then go to your people in exile and say to them, ‘this is what the Lord says!’ Do this whether they listen or not.”
And again in Ezekiel 3:27
“But when I give you a message, I will loosen your tongue and let you speak. Then you will say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says!’ Those who choose to listen will listen, but those who refuse will refuse, for they are rebels.”
And then sadly in Ezekiel 3:7
“But the people of Israel won’t listen to you any more than they listen to Me! For the whole lot of them are hard-hearted and stubborn.”
And finally, God knows that some will listen, whom He refers to as ‘The poor of the flock’ in Zechariah 11:11 NKJV (Christ speaking in the third person through Zechariah: “Thus the poor of the flock who were watching Me, knew that it was the Word of the Lord”