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An Introduction To The Truth And All Things God

An Introduction To The Truth And All Things God, Chapter 1

Dearest Heavenly Father, 

You know everything; You see and hear everything, You are aware of everything, and there is no secret anywhere or in any place that You are not privy to. Speaking of awareness, men are not aware of this fact. Thus they are busy plotting and manoeuvring and manipulating on this earth, to get their own ways, and in the highest levels of governance, and shamefully, they are completely unaware of the powers of persuasion that operate in the invisible realm. They are not aware of invisible forces like the devil and the demons on this earth, or their counterparts in the heavenly realms that visit this earth to carry out missions which You send them on to carry out Your overarching will. O Father, I don’t know where to begin in trying to introduce mankind to You. There is so much going on that men are unaware of. I know Your churches have tried to write articles about the purpose of physical life, and many other topics, but they seem to fall short, or just fall on deaf ears. And it might seem to be a vain thing for me to also try and write something that would introduce them to the truth and all things pertaining to You God, the Creator, the Designer, the Engineer, the Power, and the Mega Ingenious Purpose-er of the whole affair. Unless You inspire me, my writing about such a subject will be as lame as any other attempts to explain or even provide a most basic introduction to that which You are doing on planet earth, as any others who have attempted to do similar. But I will go ahead now, and try to do some sort of truthful justice to Your great Person, and purpose and plan, knowing and saying this in advance; that if this writing becomes comprehensible and useful to any with eyes to see, and ears to hear, it is because You miraculously purposed it to be so. And as is the custom of people who fear You and revere the name of Jesus Christ, I offer up this prayer in His name, amen. 

As I have said so many times; where to begin, oh where to begin. I suppose I will begin with the impossible; I shall try and describe who and what God is. And if you’re thinking, “if it’s impossible, why are you attempting it”? Because with God all things are possible, and if He wants me to write such an article, it will happen. I am moved to ask a question as I consider how to proceed. How can Almighty God have such a simple nature, and yet be impossible to fully describe? The next obvious question is how can God’s nature be so simple? The answer to that, is as simple as God’s nature. Since God made man in His own image, we only need to study the “good side” of mankind’s nature to comprehend what God’s nature is. But I’m not referring to righteousness and conduct. At this level, I’m talking about simple human character traits. And just in case any sceptics, or Bible disputers are reading this article, it should be stated that my main source of reference will be the Bible, and for the benefit of the non sceptics, I will provide scripture references. 


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The Animal Sacrifices in the Law of Moses Explained

God’s secret intended meaning in the commanded rituals, of the law of Moses.

Chapter 1, The Passover Sacrifice

Dearest beloved great Almighty God; You know very well everything. You know that I have never fully enjoyed the study of the law of Moses, especially the study of the ritual animal sacrifices, and various things regarding the priesthood of Aaron and his sons, and the washings, and some things regarding the Tabernacle, the statutes, the ordinances, and the judgments. I have read them various times since you called me out of this world, but always with hesitation, because they leave me perplexed. I just don’t know what Your intended meaning is. You know Great God, that I believe You have such design, and ingenious purpose in everything You say and do and ordinate. You know my thirst to understand the many many secret things of Your purpose. I just know in my heart that the law of Moses is loaded with incredible, super interesting meanings, and here I am reading it again, and pausing, pausing, pausing, like a child in wonderment, because I don’t know what You intend by Your words and commands. I know that at the end of the book of Malachi, the last book in what we call the Old Testament, You say to us, “remember the law of Moses My servant, which I commanded him in Horeb, for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments.” You had to say this for profound and powerful reasons. I desire to know the spiritual intent of all Your magnificent purpose in giving him these words. Please Dear Lord, let it be time now in these latter days, for a full explanation of these incredible truths. I am trusting You to teach me Lord, thank you.

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Who is the book of Malachi written to, and what is its message?

This article will try to provide answers to both of these questions, because there is great perplexity out there about these questions. This incredible book is the last book of the Old Testament. It is God’s final word to us before He goes silent for over 400 years. It is a mysterious book, although not as mysterious as some. And Almighty God, the master of words, phrases, and expression, does once again employ His often used method of speaking in figurative language, although He also speaks directly literally in this book sometimes too. Like Haggai and Zechariah, the message of the book is timely, in a dualistic fashion. That is to say, that the things written in it, had an ancient literal occurrence and meaning, and were written to the Jews who formed the remnant that came out of Babylonian exile, who also formed the people who rebuilt the temple and re-inhabited Jerusalem. And this people and their descendants would precede the first coming of the Messiah, who came initially as a man born of a human mother, but who was sired by God Himself, The Ancient of Days. But that is not all that it was. There is a greater message in it, which is intended for the latter days. For one thing it so totally refers to the Day of The Lord, and the end of the whole affair, and the second coming of the Messiah, this time in power and glory, blazing like the sun, as judge and avenger of God Most High, to conquer and rule the world. It is a completely prophetic book as well, and that point seems plain, even if the meaning of it is not as plain. So if it is plainly prophetic, what is its more significant message and meaning? That is; as the title asks, who is it written to, and what is its message? So, let’s try and see what God will allow us to see, by humbly approaching it, knowing that it is written figuratively, and metaphorically, knowing that God has literal meaning and intent, behind His usage of figurative language. With all this said, let’s consider its first recipients, and the era of time they occupied, as well as the history of that time. At the same time, let’s consider the human writer, his background, and anything else we can know about him. So, it was written to the Jews who occupied Judea, Jerusalem, and its surrounding towns and villages. When it was written is very controversial. Scholars and religious enthusiasts have much debate over these things, which are all based on the dates that the Babylonian, and then Persian kings reigned. For the religious scholars and enthusiasts, the biblical records found in the books of 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Daniel, play into the effort of determining when. And the 70 week prophecy found in the book of Daniel also bears on things so that the exact determinations of years become a matter of debate. God knows the absolute truth of these things though, and I expect that one day we will too. I have looked at some of the sources of possibilities. I do not know what the absolute truth is, so I will refrain from taking a position on dates, and will stick with the time frames and periods, allowing for corrections to come should God send them. The basic time period though, falls between 600 BC and 400 BC. The earlier date being closer to the fall of Jerusalem, and latter date being after Malachi’s prophecy had been delivered, and closer to the time that God goes silent for 400 years. In that time, the 70 years that God had determined the captivity and exile from the land of Judah would last for, had expired. And the punishment of the Babylonians by the hand of Cyrus, and their exile, (the Babylonians), had occurred. The prophecies in the book of Ezekiel and Daniel had been given, including the 70 week prophecy of the 1st coming of the Messiah. Cyrus’ decree that the temple in Jerusalem should be rebuilt has passed, and that any Jews living in Babylon who were willing to return and be a part of the undertaking, should mobilize for this great cause. Zerubbabel and Joshua and other leaders were raised up by God to lead the contingent back to the land of Judah to accomplish this work of God. And the Jews did go back, and start things going but ran into opposition from enemies. They did lay the foundation of the temple, but then the work effort came to a halt.

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The book of Zechariah explained, could this be true?


The book of Zechariah, is one of three books written to God’s people at the close of the Old Testament. In order, these three books are Haggai, Zechariah, and then Malachi. All three books are named after the men who God ordained to write down what God dictated to them. In that sense they are simply recorders, or stenographers. But respectfully, they are prophets of God, and recorded prophecies from God, on the various subjects that God spoke on. The things they wrote are not their own words or ideas. They are the words of God, and thus, it is The Word of God who actually spoke them. All three prophecies were given to the Jews that came out of Babylonian captivity, and exile from the holy land, and who returned to Judea after the 70 year stipulated time of punishment, to rebuild the temple, the wall, and Jerusalem, according to the Word of God spoken by Jeremiah the prophet. (And for the record, this contingent of people included a good many Levite’s and Benjamite’s also, but we understand that they are collectively referred to as “the Jews”).

But I wonder if we can say that the books were written to them, or written to us. The very concept that the books are prophetic implies that there is more meaning to the writings than may be plainly understood by simply reading them. They were written to literal, physical people, and the content has to be pertinent to them in the day and age that it was written. And the things God says they are to be doing, must be doable to some degree in their day and age. But the messages of these books are dualistic and spiritual also, and have another more significant meaning for the latter days. And the people they are written to are dualistic also. One is more physical than spiritual, and the other is more spiritual than physical, but both are both, to some degree. The books can’t be understood unless the reader appreciates that they are spiritual in nature. If you read Zechariah, and it seems hard to comprehend, it’s because it is written with a lot of metaphors, imagery, symbols, types, and other mysterious descriptions of things. This is God’s often used method when He does not want something easily understood until some future point in history. I call it a “figure of speech language”, and it goes without saying that you must understand the language to understand the message. It is enigmatic to say the least, and I have come to understand that only God can grant the true understanding, and does grant it according to His purpose, and will, and timing, and to whomever He chooses, regardless of their human IQ. It certainly does help to be familiar with the scriptures, and I would dare to say that it is a minimum requirement. Nobody puts something of great wealth or power in the hands of a babe. But even if we spent all our time just studying the mysterious portions of the bible, it may not result in getting us the understanding we desire. If our hearts were right, (and since God looks on the heart), He may grant us our desire to some extent, as a reward perhaps (for loving His word), if for no other reason, and yet God is full of reasons.

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You’ve Sown Much But Bring In Little. God’s Message Through Haggai, Could This Be True?

The message of Haggai, (and Zechariah and Malachi for that matter), are completely prophetic, and targeted towards an end time people of God, whose eyes will be opened to understanding it, at the exact moment in God’s timing, but probably not too much before, except for the ones He intends to learn it first, so that they may teach it to those with eyes to see, and ears to hear. Although there was a previous occurrence of these things anciently, they were “types”, of a greater, more significant reoccurrence in the latter days. It is a very deep concept, but an example would be the message of Malachi. It was a very serious message to God’s priesthood (which are a “type” of His ministry), who were in place just before Christ’s first coming, and then prophetically, it is a very serious message to His ministry, who will be in place, before His second coming. Mr. Armstrong touched on some things in Haggai and Zechariah, but it wasn’t the time for full understanding. Consequently, things did not come together for him in his time. And how could they? There was no apostasy yet, no falling away, no break up of the church etc etc. God uses so many methods to “cover up”, for a time, or, to accomplish the revelation of it when He wants to. He is the total, perfect “director and choreographer ” of events. Sometimes He uses hind sight also. That is, we see and understand something via hindsight.

I will try and remember some of those things that Mr. Armstrong stopped at, as he studied Haggai and Zechariah. I think the greatest thing he left me with, was that he adamantly said that these books were prophetic. And although that didn’t help me much to understand them very deeply at the time, it did help me not to view them as strictly just “Jewish history”, but something else. An example from Mr. Armstrong’s comments on Haggai for instance, is in Haggai 2. God draws a contrast between the temple built by Solomon, and what we’ll call Zerubbabel’s temple, implying that this second one is obviously nowhere near the level of glory that the first temple was. And He asks, who among these returnees remembers, because there were some old Jews there that did remember. But notice in 2:9, God makes a proclamation, that this temple will be more glorious than the first one. Perhaps you will remember when Mr. Armstrong read that, knowing how much less glorious Zerubbabel’s temple was, (combined with many other curious things said), that this must be speaking of a spiritual temple, not a physical temple.
We will be looking at that, but that is an example of what I’m talking about. Please once again, follow along with this article very closely with your bible!


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There’s Nothing New Under The Sun; Baal Worship Anciently and Modernly, Could This Be True?

There’s nothing new under the sun, “Baal worship”, anciently, and modernly, could this be true?

Perhaps you’ve heard the saying, there’s nothing new under the sun. Like so many sayings, it comes right from the bible. Eccl. 1:9. This is so very true and can be proven many times over on various subjects in man’s history anciently, and modernly. Perhaps you’ve heard the term Baal worshippers. It’s very common in Old Testament books referring to Israel. It has also started to become a more common term in our modern age, or as the bible refers to our time as, “the latter days”. This article will shed light on what Baal worship was, and still is. If you’re thinking “still is”, then yes, like other things that fall into the category of, “there’s nothing new under the sun”, I believe it can be proven to be true in this case as well. It is a subject that spans the whole time that man has been on this earth from the garden of Eden to these latter days. It is a subject that God has spoken many times on, revealing its origin, and its offensiveness to Him, and how cunning the evil one has been in promoting it, and advancing it. But, where to begin on this subject is a curious question to consider, because it is no small subject, but surprising for many to discover, is quite expansive, and in some ways very complex. I think I will begin by reiterating something I have said before, which is imperative to understand. That is that God’s Word speaks to us in figurative language. This is a fact which can be seen over and over and over, all throughout the bible. To understand His intended meaning we must interpret the many figures of speech, metaphors, analogies, riddles, similes, parables, allegories, and any other methods that God purposefully uses in speaking. Methods like earlier and latter fulfillments of prophetic things, earlier and latter types and antitypes of events and actors; actually persons. And then there’s parallel events. Also, many things are either inferred , or implied in scripture. Does that sound hard to accept? Is God so different in communicating with us that we are allowed to infer and imply with our words, but He is not? Is every word in the bible to be taken literally? Why do we get to ask people a question like, “what are you implying with those words”, but God is not allowed to imply? And since God deliberately keeps certain things covered up until He uncovers them, would He not use many tools of expression to do it? Consider a key expression of God found in many places in the bible. Isaiah 6:9, 10. And He said, “Go and tell this people: keep on hearing but do not understand; keep on seeing but do not perceive“. Also Isaiah 43:8, Jer. 5:21, 6:10, Ez. 12:2, Mark 4:12, Matt. 13:14, John 12:40, Acts 28:26, Rom. 11:8, and there are likely more references. With this said, it seems only reasonable that God’s, so often used, “figure of speech” language, is not likely to be interpretable by the masses. Christ said as much in Mark 4: 11-12, where He said that it has been granted for some to see, that is, to understand, but for most, it has not been granted. (But I have found that even those who it has been granted to see, only see dimly or partially, and this is by God’s decree also). Another thing to appreciate is this, Christ is the Word of God, The Spokesperson for God The Father. He is the One who spoke all the Old Testament words and used the figurative language I’m talking about. And the New Testament, so replete with all His parables, proves that He did not change His usage of, “figure of speech” language, or methodology, that we see everywhere in the Old Testament. And thus the intended meaning of many of His words remained unclear to the average reader. So, it is not a simple task to interpret God’s figurative language. There is a lot of potential for error. We humans have our ideas etc. The real answer to this potential problem is really a matter of faith. What I mean by this, is that the correct interpretation of God’s intended meaning, is more a matter of revelation, than it is human intellect or reason. It does take a great deal of study, meditation, earnest prayer, patience and time on the part of the one pursuing the truthful understanding, of not only the prophetic word, but God’s true intentions in what, and how He speaks. And then there is one other major consideration, and that is this; if God does not provide the revelation, then no matter how earnest is our prayer, His response might as well be received as, no, not at this time. Like His expression to Daniel, when He said go your way Daniel for the words are closed up and sealed until the time of the end. Or, no, you’re not one of those that it has been granted to understand at this time. God is so full of purpose, and we must submit to this and wait on Him. We must also be ever so careful not to instill into our hearts that we are someone special, especially chosen by God to have special understandings revealed to us. Many individuals have already fallen prey to this and have ended up spreading falsities, half truths, and versions of the truth. And yet, for all intents and purposes, God does instill, or reveal into the hearts of selected individuals, subjects such as His will, His intended meaning, and His intended purpose. But it is His prerogative to do, not ours. In fact, He chooses most of the actors that will in some way carry out or advance His purpose, most often before they are born, whether they are a so-called “good guy”, or a so-called “bad guy”, or an apparent nobody. This fact can be hard to accept, by both a disbelieving intellectual secular society, but also by a believing God devoted society. It can happen even to those closest to God, who are in possession of a good amount of “the truth”, and even by Christ’s own ministry. If that seems hard to accept, you need only review the gospels, where the Jewish priesthood, (the ministry in Christ’s time), would not, could not, believe Him, even though He was God The Word, changed from Holy Spirit to flesh, for a short time and purpose. So, is it any surprise that we will find ourselves at least sceptical when someone comes along with ideas and concepts such as are the subject of this article. So with all this said, and since God has granted us all free moral agency, and the right to choose, then if God has opened our minds, then have an open mind, or, have a closed mind if you choose. I feel like I’m still at where to begin though, but I feel that it is important to re-emphasize that God speaks to us in figurative language. Please have your bible open to each scripture reference even if you know your bible expertly, because as I said, (and will show), many things are implied, and can be easily missed by a quicker, or literal only, read of scripture.


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In The Image of God He Made Them, Male and Female He Made Them, Genesis 1:27

In The Image of God He made them, male and female He made them. Gen. 1:27

Dearest Heavenly Father, my beloved, You know my heart Lord. You know how much I love truth, and how much I desire to know it, the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, even so help me God. You know I can’t bear to spread errors or lies. Just kill me if I am a liar. You know how deep You have taken me, and yet the full measure of truth goes so, so much deeper. We humans are so infinitesimally small in every way, and even we who know some truth are so very shallow in it. We barely scratch the surface of truth, origins, and comprehend-able knowledge. You Great God have so many things You could tell us, so many, so many. Secrets upon secrets upon secrets. Where would You begin? And yet You have begun, with the bible. And as great as it is, oh how little it is. So many many things yet to tell us. Oh my Lord, should I tell them this story? Is it a secret, or can I tell them? Please don’t be mad at me. I can’t bear that You will be mad at me. So I will write it, but I will not publicize it, in case You would not approve of that. Then if You want them to know it, You can make it public. But I know that they would not receive it anyway. Like Pharisees they would reject it because it does not fit into their preconceived notion of understanding. Like Pharisees they would demand a miracle to prove it was the truth. But it is something You have shown me, and as abstract as it may seem to be, it makes sense to me, and I feel compelled to express it while I still can. So please please please Lord, guide me to express it truthfully, and accurately. In Jesus’ Holy Name I pray, amen, amen amen.

As I have so often began my writings, I say again, where to begin, oh where to begin? Well perhaps the title has you wondering what this article could be all about? Or maybe you’re thinking, what does this heretic want to say this time? That is not a confession, but instead I speak facetiously, because in a way, similar to Christ saying, He knew what was in the heart of men; that is, human nature, so, I too know what to expect, regarding how even people in God’s church will not accept things that seem biblically foreign to them. Nevertheless, something inside of me compels me to express these thoughts, and the reader can consider them, and evaluate them for their worth, or not. It is always a choice. God said various times in Ezekiel, tell them, whether they hear or whether they won’t, for they are a rebellious lot. And I know we officially think that that statement is directed to the unconverted lot of the modern day remnant of Jacob, but I could contest that, but won’t right now since it is another subject. But the subject that I feel inspired to speak of in this article is very deep, and probably somewhat unbelievable, even though it will make complete sense to some. I must confess that I am always seeking to know more truths of God, and origins, all the time, and some scriptures just seem to bait me, in my desire to understand the deep things of God. Someone once said that Genesis 1:1 was not actually the most natural scripture to begin with to understand God’s Word from. They said that perhaps John 1:1-5 was a more foundational place to start, and then we could switch to Genesis 1. I think that would work well for this article as well. We’ll get to Genesis 1:27 soon enough, but let’s start with John 1:1-5, and sum that up. First of all, let’s consider why John started like that, (other than that he was inspired to). He was one of Christ’s closest friends, and disciples, (maybe His closest). By the time he wrote this, he had matured in Christ a lot, and already had some deep insights. He was one of three, along with Peter and James, that Christ had allowed to know Him even closer. But John’s writings are somewhat mysteriously written, and I could wish I knew exactly what he was intending sometimes. But here goes my summation of John 1:1-5. Please read it, to refresh it in your mind first though.


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The Book of Daniel Explained

The Book of Daniel Explained

Oh my Dear Dear Dear Dear God. Who knows what the book of Daniel is truly about except for You. I am humble and breathless at the thought of trying to write down what it all means. I am almost inclined to say, please Lord, I’m not up to this. Please have someone else write. But who am I, or anybody else to talk back to You. We may weep and feel sorry for ourselves because You assign to us this or that, but we have no right to utter anything. So if You want me to write, I will write, but it must all come from You. So be it, amen.

I never know where to begin, so here goes. This is not going to be your average explanation of the book of Daniel. We are going to go “outside the box”, of normal discussion, into topics, principles, areas, and Godly lessons, on various things, as we break down the book of Daniel. Even this kind of long statement that I just made, wasn’t in my first draft. I came back and inserted it, as an afterthought after I seen some of the places this writing took us. You can do that in this digital age much easier than ink horn writers of the past, or even typists of the past could. But as I said, here goes. Daniel is a contemporary of Ezekiel and Jeremiah. That does not mean that they knew each other personally. Like his two contemporaries, the book he is credited with writing, is a mixture of chronology and prophecy. I don’t mean any disrespect by saying “the book he is credited with writing”. I believe he did likely write it, as Jeremiah and Ezekiel likely did their respective writings too. But, I want to emphasize something that is true of all three of their writings. And that is, that it is really God that wrote their respective writings, and these prophets served mostly as stenographers, who wrote down what God dictated to them. Do we get that? Because I have not found that concept to be spoken of anywhere. Everybody just seems to think they, (the human writers), are the originators of their words. Religious circles may concede that God inspired them somewhat, but then their commentaries often leave God out of it, attributing the unfolding of thought and expression to the physical human writers themselves. This is an erroneous basis from which to start, in one’s effort and desire to understand. Consequently, just about no one gets the true meaning of any of the prophetic writings, and by that I mean, God’s true intended meaning. But get this amazing understanding about God: Since God Himself did not intend that we should understand His true intended meaning, it plays right into His hand that people should think they know, having eyes but not seeing, and ears but not hearing; God having reserved the time for true understanding to be well off into the future, from the time it was originally dictated to the prophet, and the time that revelation would occur. In a section of scripture In Daniel 12:8-9, Daniel expresses his frustration with not understanding the things that were dictated to him. And he is told to go his way because the things dictated were closed up and sealed until the time of the end. But I wish to be clear about something, so that I do not imply that all of scripture is a dictation from God. When God is directly speaking, and often dictating, it is usually quite clear that He is. There are other parts of scripture that appear to be the words of men; (writers and chronologies, etc). These may be inspired, but it’s not the same as when God is speaking. Then there are even times, when it appears that satan is speaking, (albeit very few times). We should try to differentiate between the various speakers in the bible in our effort to “understand”. (I have noticed that whenever there seems to be a conflict in scripture, it is never when God is speaking, but when men are speaking). Going back to Daniel 12:8-9, Daniel is told to seal up the book. But people have not accepted this statement. Well for one thing, many think it’s just some of the book of Daniel that is sealed until the time of the end. They think they can find out what these things mean by combining Matthew 24 with the book of Revelations and then find out what was sealed in Daniel. Ask, would God allow us to outsmart Him, and figure out sealed things by coming at it through some other door? And further to that, God is not talking about just the book of Daniel that is sealed until the time of the end. He means the prophetic meaning of things contained in the book, the bible, which contains the whole story, is sealed until the time of the end. I will explain this as we get into it, and especially as we get to chapter 12. I will be summarizing in my own words once again quite a bit, but I encourage you to follow along with your bibles and concordances open.

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The Truth About The Holy Spirit

September 12, 2021

The Truth About The Holy Spirit, (Edited)

Oh my dearest, beloved, righteous God in heaven. You know how many times I have prayed to understand the truth regarding Your Spirit. You know that I have yearned and craved and suffered anxiety and emotional turmoil, as I studied and meditated about Your Spirit. Oh God, You know that I have never been satisfied with the churches teachings regarding this reality. Please please please, pour out the true undiluted, complete truth about Your Spirit as “it” relates to Yourself. Let us not be in darkness regarding this understanding any longer. Please grant us eyes to see and ears to hear about this great great mystery Father, in Jesus Christ name……………amen amen amen, amen amen amen, and amen.


The first thing I will say is that the Holy Spirit is not an “it”! You may notice that I emboldened that little word in my opening prayer, so that I could deliberately shoot down that notion in my opening statement. And I intend to prove it from the scriptures, and by Godly reason too, but not right out of the gate. We will get to it in this article at the right juncture. I’m trying to find the correct place to begin. That’s always a challenge; where to begin? (Please Lord). First of all, we will be going way outside the box again, for that is where the truth lies. With all due respect to “the box”, we have been digging around, and shuffling the metaphorical dirt around, and sifting it again and again, long enough. If we want to discover the hidden gems of truth that God has reserved for this time and place in man’s journey towards immortality, we must be daring enough to leave the box. The box is tradition, and complacency, and unwillingness to be brave, and take the risk. But, I’ll ask, what risk? And I’ll answer, the same kind of risk the Israelites would not take, when God commanded them to enter and take possession of the promised land. Yes, very similar indeed, and let’s not do that again. So we will be leaving the box of traditional understanding and teaching, and will once again be watching for when God uses His unique methods of communication, which He chose to use in recording His Word for us. These are such things as figures of speech, metaphors, analogies, duality’s, early and latter day fulfillments, physical and then spiritual parallel meanings, imagery, riddles, symbols, sometimes enigmas, and various other methods.

I am not sure what I will be writing either. I have some ideas since I have been striving with this subject for quite a while now. I know I will be challenging the Church’s official teaching, but not without due respect, and explanation of why the true church teaches what it teaches, (some of which may be my own opinion too). For instance, in my opinion, HWA (acronym for Herbert W Armstrong throughout), was not only our teacher of truth, but he also became a defender of truth, also going on offence when he deemed necessary, to shoot down, or debunk heresies that were coming in from the spiritual left, such as the Protestant born again heresy, or the Catholic Trinity heresy. And I believe that his passion to perform these duties, may have caused him, and us, to go too far to the right in defending truth, and also stimulated us (as an institution), to become “rigid” and “formed”, and stuck in a “box” of tradition, (so to speak). This may have been the subtle work of the devil also, (but I don’t mean to imply that the devil was taking advantage of HWA’s mind per-say, but instead working in the minds of his underlings, who in HWA’s latter years, had free reign in what they wrote and taught, and I’m referring mostly to the apostates).

I would like to draw a spiritual comparison between something that needs fixing, and then gets fixed, only to get defiled, (or broken), all over again? I know that God draws a parallel between the physical Jews who went into exile in Babylon, where they learned their lesson over a period of 70 years, and then returned to Jerusalem and Judea somewhat repaired, only to mess it up with a man made religion, which in due time became Judaism. And the parallel is the latter day church, which got set back on track by God through HWA, only to become disappointing in God’s eyes over a period of time, so much so, that He allowed the devil to attack the church, and shatter it, and splinter it, and divide it, and send it into an exile of sorts for a stipulated period of time. (It is only fair to mention that it was predicted by God some 2500 years ago though). But let’s just consider this parallel for a bit. Let’s go back to the remaining people of God just before Jerusalem fell to the Babylonians. Jerusalem was occupied with the remaining Jews, Levite’s, Benjaminite’s, and other stragglers who had not been sent into exile yet. They were compared by God to the bad figs of Jeremiah 24. (The good figs were already in captivity in Babylon). The bad figs would ultimately be killed in the Babylonian onslaught, or be of the relatively few “lucky ones”, who would go to Babylon, and meet their demise there, either sooner or later, and maybe even be granted mercy upon repentance. And along with the good figs, they could be salvaged, so to speak. And the whole lot of them went there because of idolatry, and spiritual adultery committed against God, and Sabbath breaking and more. But while they were there, through a process of time and learning the hard way, they got rid of their adulterous ways, and their idolatry. And there they rededicated themselves to God’s commandments, and there was a certain spiritual cleansing that went on. (Even the first types of Synagogues got their start there since there was no temple anymore). And we can only wonder which humans God used to spearhead this in bringing it about. It was not likely Daniel who was already very busy working for God on the International scene in the courts of the emperor’s, (if you will). Ezekiel might have had some what to do with it in helping them to repent, (if you recall the times the elders of the Judean captivity sat before him seeking God’s word). But there is no mention in Ezekiel of the national transformation from idolatry to returning to God, (before entrenchment to Judaism). In all likelihood, God used Jehozadak, the father of Joshua the high priest, and various other priests and Levites to bring them back to purer religion, (as in, “return to Me and I will return to you”). The point of this is that it was a pleasing correction for a time, and although not pure pure pure, it was a great improvement. But in due time, it became defiled from within, by the craftiness of the devil, and resulted in the self righteous false piety of Judaism.

Now let’s look at the parallel to God’s church in the modern era. In similar fashion, God brought a people back to Himself in the latter days, through HWA. Through HWA, God gave us many basic truths that were lost for hundreds of years, and a precious group of God’s people grew rapidly in the USA, and then the rest of the world as the church grew. And an institution was created which at first was wholesome, good and precious. But over a short period of time, just like the initial revival of the physical Jews in Babylon, the spiritual Jews of the modern age also became defiled by the secret desires and motives of men from within, and unbeknownst to them, they were responding to the enticements of the devil. And what formed in its place was something that God was not pleased with. It was not clear to us because it also feigned righteousness and false piety, but God allowed it to be all but destroyed by the devil from within by evil men in high places of administration and leadership. This we call the apostasy of the WCG. And the remnant was scattered into smaller and larger groups, but with most returning to a spiritual Egypt, where as God said in Jeremiah 44:11-14, they would surely perish. Once you have been rescued from Egypt, it is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit to return to Egypt. (Let’s also understand that a return to Egypt must be a complete return, for some in Jeremiah found their way out of it still, as have some in the latter day parallel). But a complete return to Egypt, is a mockery of God’s mercy, which none of us deserve in the first place. God told the Israelites, that returning to Egypt would result in death, and He told it to the Jewish remnant who Jeremiah and Baruch were amongst after the destruction of Jerusalem also. And the message is the same for spiritual Jews and Israelites as well, except that we understand that in type, and as is said in Hebrews 6:4, since we have tasted the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of The Holy Spirit, it is a spiritual death that we are talking about this time around. This contrast is to show how good things can start, and then if we are not very very careful, they can so quickly become defiled. It is evil, and the work of the devil. Just like a physical infection or virus works, the devil tries to penetrate and divide what I will call, “complete constructs”. The constructs can be physical like the human body, or they can be figurative, like the subject of truth. They can be more than one body, like a church, or figurative, like the whole bible. Whether physical or figurative, the attack on the complete construct is very similar. It is to penetrate, enter in, corrupt, defile, reprogram for destruction by process, and if there is no overcoming counter attack, realize victory; that being “evil defeating good”. He is evil. He is bad. He is wrong. He is death. And I don’t only say and mean that figuratively, but somewhat literally too.

To explain that, we will have to go outside the box. From outside the box then consider: Sometimes we just say things; (like maybe when we’re talking about someone), and we might say, “that guy is so evil”, or just, “he is evil”. When we do this, we are not actually speaking literally, but figuratively, and more correctly, we would usually intend that; “he is practising evil”, or “behaving evil”, as opposed to “he actually” IS “evil”, as in “literally”.

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I Will Send You Elijah The Prophet, Could This Be True?

I will send you Elijah the prophet. Could this be true?

One of the most profound expressions by God is found in the book of Malachi. It is the last two verses in the Old Testament of the Bible. Malachi 4:5-6. This is how God closes His message to man, before He goes silent for over 400 years. It is one of the hugest, biggest, blockbuster statements ever made. It is the capstone remark, to cap off God’s words from the Garden of Eden, to this conclusion in Malachi. It is so mind blowing; what God says in two verses, it has caused men to wonder, and even fear, since its inception, in various ways. It has caused men to look for an end time Elijah who will come and pretty much save the world. God pretty much says that if he, (Elijah), doesn’t come and do what verse 6 says, then God is going to destroy planet earth; and it is implied that it is not worth saving, that it is a failed project to be scrapped, with all life on it. A full reading of Malachi, with understanding, helps us to understand why God expresses such a seemingly harsh final statement. Men have been watching with anticipation, and searching for the one who would fulfill this prophecy since its been written. Numerous false Elijah’s have already come and gone. There are some self proclaimed Elijah’s out there right now. There is a lot of deception out there regarding this subject. The scriptures of Malachi 4:5-6, are accepted in the circles of the Judaeo-Christian community. Everybody basically agrees that what it says is what it means. There are no bible translations that say it dramatically different from each other. They pretty much all agree. This article is going to shock this status quo, and turn upside down the mutual understanding of this statement. This article is going to present an alternative interpretation of God’s final statement to men that is found in Malachi 4:5-6, and declare that we have misunderstood its meaning, of what God said and intended. This article is not a breakdown of the book of Malachi, but focuses only on Malachi 4:5-6. This article will show that we have a proclivity to misunderstand, and declare that we are, by nature, prone to err. We are prone to get it wrong, not get it right. And I’m not only talking about this section of scripture, I mean on a host of things, (actually, just about everything). God knew this in the garden. He created us as learning beings, with the capability to learn right or learn wrong, and we all know what happened in the garden. Men talk about designing learning computers, and other man made learning things such as robotics. Can we not see the similarity, and see that God is a great designer, and designed us just like that. Oh if we would only look in the mirror. Before I begin, I would like to pose a question to any readers of this article. Considering how profound the statement by God is, would these scriptures not be a prime target of satan the devil? If he could, would he not try and twist the truthful meaning of this message? Let’s ask, has he twisted the truth elsewhere in the Bible? Has he not twisted numerous truths, either by making men see or hear things in a certain way; an altered way? Is it possible that he has even inspired translators to put a twist on God’s words, or inspired supposed interpreters to teach doctrines and concepts in a certain way; an altered way? We should all be able to say, (if we’re dedicated bible students), that we know of examples of this. Add to this that some translations of the bible are too liberal, others are too severe in their rendering, or too literal, or too figurative etc. Or, perhaps we are the type who thinks that God has totally protected His word from all defilement by men or satan. Maybe we take Proverbs 30:5, “every word of God is pure”, and conclude that every single word in the bible is from God and is therefore pure. I don’t question that every word of God is pure, that’s an absolute truth. But the Bible is not only composed of God’s words, it has some of satan’s words in it also, and some of mens as well, and neither of these sources of words and views are pure.


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