An Introduction To The Truth And All Things God
An Introduction To The Truth And All Things God, Chapter 1
Dearest Heavenly Father,
You know everything; You see and hear everything, You are aware of everything, and there is no secret anywhere or in any place that You are not privy to. Speaking of awareness, men are not aware of this fact. Thus they are busy plotting and manoeuvring and manipulating on this earth, to get their own ways, and in the highest levels of governance, and shamefully, they are completely unaware of the powers of persuasion that operate in the invisible realm. They are not aware of invisible forces like the devil and the demons on this earth, or their counterparts in the heavenly realms that visit this earth to carry out missions which You send them on to carry out Your overarching will. O Father, I don’t know where to begin in trying to introduce mankind to You. There is so much going on that men are unaware of. I know Your churches have tried to write articles about the purpose of physical life, and many other topics, but they seem to fall short, or just fall on deaf ears. And it might seem to be a vain thing for me to also try and write something that would introduce them to the truth and all things pertaining to You God, the Creator, the Designer, the Engineer, the Power, and the Mega Ingenious Purpose-er of the whole affair. Unless You inspire me, my writing about such a subject will be as lame as any other attempts to explain or even provide a most basic introduction to that which You are doing on planet earth, as any others who have attempted to do similar. But I will go ahead now, and try to do some sort of truthful justice to Your great Person, and purpose and plan, knowing and saying this in advance; that if this writing becomes comprehensible and useful to any with eyes to see, and ears to hear, it is because You miraculously purposed it to be so. And as is the custom of people who fear You and revere the name of Jesus Christ, I offer up this prayer in His name, amen.
As I have said so many times; where to begin, oh where to begin. I suppose I will begin with the impossible; I shall try and describe who and what God is. And if you’re thinking, “if it’s impossible, why are you attempting it”? Because with God all things are possible, and if He wants me to write such an article, it will happen. I am moved to ask a question as I consider how to proceed. How can Almighty God have such a simple nature, and yet be impossible to fully describe? The next obvious question is how can God’s nature be so simple? The answer to that, is as simple as God’s nature. Since God made man in His own image, we only need to study the “good side” of mankind’s nature to comprehend what God’s nature is. But I’m not referring to righteousness and conduct. At this level, I’m talking about simple human character traits. And just in case any sceptics, or Bible disputers are reading this article, it should be stated that my main source of reference will be the Bible, and for the benefit of the non sceptics, I will provide scripture references.