Eyes To See and Ears To Hear

You gotta have eyes to see, and you got to have ears to hear,
To read the writing on the wall, because the end is getting near.
This is a unique sort of a prologue, and might be better explained as a confession (since it actually comes after the fact), in November 2023, when the writings were mostly compiled from 2020 up to the present. Some of what will be summarized in this prologue is also mentioned in the message to the “poor of the flock”, which has been written for two years already. I never intended to write articles that might be read by others. I had no formal training, but didn’t need any since I was just writing working copies of things that might be articulated orally whenever called upon to speak in my local church. That is how my writing started; while preparing what was to be a short explanation on the ancient Canaanite deity “Baal”. I had made a connection between the more physical ancient deity “Baal”, and (once spiritualized), the more modern (hard to see), but nevertheless present version. Anyway, the article went on to become a longer dispensation on the whole subject, and I became convinced that it was revealed to me. The article is tedious to take it all in, but in the end, (if you have eyes to see and ears to hear), you will see that hidden in the narrative of God, via the writings of the Old Testament prophets, is an untold story about the origin of Baal, and who his image is really meant to portray, and that he is still around and still operating (invisibly though), (but then so is God). Basically, the true story is never told, because men do not let the narratives of God ever get expressed at length, but only in numbered verses, partial chapters, and sometimes a whole chapter here and there. But what if I said to you, that God sometimes speaks unbroken for 10 or 15 or 20 chapters on one subject? Some of you might say: where? Anyway, this article on Baal led to another and another, until eight were written. Nothing ever came of them because I was not pursuing anything, (but I was forwarding some of them to my ministers, who were poo pooing them and encouraging me to quit writing such unconventional biblical opinions). Over the three years since I began writing, I began to realize that the “real truth” is incredible, which by definition means hard, or even impossible to believe. As I spent weeks, months and years meditating on this phenomenal revelation, I chose to sum up my writings as “An Introduction to the ‘real truth’, and all things God”. So, plain and simple, that is the subject; “an introduction to the real truth, and all things pertaining to God”, as expressed in all my writings. Since I toyed with the idea of turning my first articles into a book, in which each article was going to appear in an order of chapters, beginning with the article on Baal, I will propose an order, which you may like to follow (or not as you choose) in reading the articles. The first article to be read is actually the most recent article written (which, were I to number them would make it the twenty something article). But it is the main article of the whole initiative of an introduction to the truth and all things God, and the most important for the “poor of the flock”. It appears on the homepage of the website and is entitled “Open Letter to the Remnant of the Worldwide Church of God, Wherever You May Be”. After that, if one chooses to keep reading more articles, I propose you read articles in this order, and I have blocked them together a bit as “subjects”. Here’s their titles.
- “There’s Nothing New Under the Sun, Baal Worship Anciently and Modernly, Could this be True?”
- “I Will Send You Elijah the Prophet, Could this be true?”
- “You’ve Sown Much But Bring in Little, God’s Message Through Haggai, Could This be True?”
- “Who Is the Book of Malachi Written to and What Is Its Message, Could This be True?”
- “The Book of Daniel Explained”
- “The Book of Zechariah Explained”
- “The Truth About the Holy Spirit Explained”
- “In the Image of God He made them, male and female He made them”
There are more articles, but these were the subjects that initially preoccupied my mind. And as I said, you may pick and choose as you wish. For instance, I know that many people who have read the book of Daniel would like to know what God was intending by all of the imagery and symbolism.
On another note, you will notice that on certain articles (but not all), I began them with a short prayer which I chose to write out rather than audibly speak as I began the article. They’re always short and to the point, and I felt they were harmless but meaningful, so I chose to leave them in. There’s much more that could be said, but with this bit of prologue, I will leave the rest to the articles, beginning with this shorter one which serves as a bit of an introductory article, and a bit of an overall synopsis written in hindsight.